E-BOOKMastering project planning: visual tools for steering project success

An introduction to project planning and project success

The project planning predicament

Project planning is an essential stage of the project management process. When done well, it can significantly increase your odds of success. But, when executed poorly, it can lead your project down the perilous path of failure.

If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail.

- Benjamin Franklin

The many faces of failure can come from cost overruns, implementation delays, and missed requirements, to poor quality and performance.

The Harvard Business Review reported that the average IT project overran its budget by 27%, and that at least one in six IT projects turn into a “black swan” with a cost overrun of 200% and a schedule overrun of 70%.

More recently, IDC reported that big data-related AI projects were operating at a 50% failure rate.

According to the Project Management Institute’s 2023 Pulse of the Profession, power skills that enhance communications, strategic thinking, and planning enable project managers in the same way that visual diagramming help project managers to align their projects to organizational objectives and inspire their teams to work together, solve problems, and deliver results that contribute value to the organization and its customers.

The Project Management Institute’s research suggests that a lack of emphasis on power skills within organizations is closely associated with a higher likelihood of projects failing to meet business goals. Such organizations are also more prone to experiencing greater scope creep. Despite the presence of power skills not guaranteeing immunity against project failures, organizations that undervalue these skills tend to suffer more substantial budget losses when projects do fail.

Power skills and project success: organizations that prioritize power skills versus those that do not

Power skills and project success

Project planning is arguably the most challenging part of the project management lifecycle. It is during this stage that the plans are developed that will guide the project teams and managers throughout the project execution.

To avoid the pitfalls of project failure, planning must be inclusive and thorough enough so that project goals are met, risks are mitigated, and costly mistakes, and delays are avoided. Project planning is the heart of the project since it determines everything that follows and drives outcomes.

The significance of project planning is undeniably clear. What is becoming clearer in the world of project management is focusing on skills beyond traditional technical project management that will enhance a project’s outcomes.

With so much at stake, it’s time for businesses and project leaders to take a serious look at visual project planning tools to enhance their power skills.

A primer on visual project planning

The start of any project is crucial to its success. For the process of project planning to be improved and optimized, there are different strategies and techniques that you can implement. This will increase the likelihood of your project starting off successfully. There are various visualization and diagramming techniques. For example, Starbursting, Fishbone, Affinity diagrams and Mind mapping.

These support and enhance project planning on a whole new level. You can apply these techniques to the entire project planning process to help you navigate and resolve complex problems as they arise.

Visual project planning techniques offer effective solutions, helping to align project stakeholders and team members with clear and harmonious communication, all while staying within budget and resource constraints.

What’s even more promising is that the visual tools used to enhance project planning can also be applied throughout project execution to help with many things. This includes problem solving, mitigating new risks as they emerge, and ensuring continued alignment with the project’s full scope and objectives.

When you have a clear visual perspective of your goals and all of the steps that are necessary to help you achieve those goals, you can minimize – if not eliminate altogether – the chance of project failure.

In this e-book, we have compiled a list of project planning visualization techniques and diagrams that you can use to create a solid project plan and execute it successfully.

The benefits of visual project planning

Here are a few of the benefits of visual project planning:

  • Effectively plan every stage of the project in advance
  • Easily navigate and resolve complex problems as they arise
  • Align project stakeholders and team members with clear communication
  • Visual project plans can be applied through project execution to aid in problem solving
  • Offers a clear perspective on your goals and the steps needed to achieve those goals

Project planning visualization

Solving the right problem: exploring the problem with Starbursts, the five whys and more

How well you define a problem will determine how well you solve it. Albert Einstein believed that we must fully understand a problem in order to grasp the solution effectively. In the next section, we’ll take a deep dive into the various visualization and diagramming techniques you can use to better understand the issues you face and drive higher quality outcomes from your projects.
If I had an hour to solve a problem I'd spend 55 minutes thinking about the problem and five minutes thinking about solutions.

- Albert Einstein

1. Six Thinking Hats

Edward de Bono’s Six Thinking Hats technique is a model that is used to explore different perspectives related to complex situations or challenges. In wearing a particular thinking hat, team members can play roles, or “as if” themselves into a particular thinking perspective.

It’s a powerful technique for looking at problems from different points of view, expanding on the opportunity for creativity, empathy, and innovation within problem solving.

Six Thinking Hats

2. Starbursting

In most projects, there is a tendency to jump into finding a solution before fully understanding the problem. Starbursting focuses on generating probing, solution-oriented questions rather than rushing to answers.

Using this iterative process, a team can systematically dig deeper into understanding the problems they seek to resolve. For each question surrounding the problem, teams can ask more detailed questions to discover the full issue at hand.


3. Five whys

The five whys is a quality improvement technique used to more deeply analyze a problem with the Six Sigma methodology of DMAIC (Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, Control).

By repeatedly asking the question “Why,” you uncover the layers of symptoms which will ultimately lead to the root cause of a problem.

Five whys

Brainstorming potential solutions

Visual brainstorming techniques

During the early stages of a project there are generally more questions than answers. All too often teams will start with traditional brainstorming, only to discover that coming up with fresh new ideas isn’t so easy.

Einstein once said: ”we cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.” In alignment with this thinking, visual brainstorming allows teams to break out of their habitual thought patterns and look for solutions in new ways.

Unlike typical brainstorming techniques that often lead to roadblocks, drawing, and diagramming can unlock creativity and innovation to inspire new ways to solve difficult and complex problems.

Here are several visual brainstorming techniques that can help your team unleash their ingenuity in creative problem solving:

1. Reverse brainstorming

Instead of simply finding solutions to a problem, reverse brainstorming helps you discover everything that might have caused the problem in the first place. Having these answers can address preventative solutions for the future.

For example, the cause-and-effect diagram, also known as the Fishbone Diagram, is ideal for capturing the problem and then identifying all of the potential causes.

Reverse brainstorming

2. Mind maps

Save time and improve efficiency by using mind maps to capture the free flow of ideas and organize them as the brainstorming session unfolds. The mind mapping technique helps make sense of the relationships between each idea more easily and provides a more detailed canvas for deeper evaluation.

Mind maps

3. Affinity diagrams

Brainstorming often generates a flood of potentially overwhelming information, at times making it difficult to review, prioritize, and identify potential solutions. Like mind mapping, affinity diagrams allow you to group related ideas together, making it easier to review and analyze with simple and concise visuals.

Affinity diagrams

4. Concept maps

Concept maps illustrate the relationships between ideas or concepts. Thoughts that are discussed during a brainstorming session and placed within a conceptual framework may provide correlation and insights that will facilitate a better understanding of the issue and potential solutions.

I use MindManager as a starting point for almost everything that requires documenting a process, brainstorming an idea, or creating procedures. It's much quicker to map out processes and decision points compared to other options.

Sandy Burgamy(Sims), PMP
OnBase Director of Business Processes
UnitedHealth Group

Prioritizing solutions and potential projects

Action priority matrix

The action priority matrix is a powerful decision making technique to evaluate the outcomes of your brainstorming sessions. The matrix helps you refine your options and focuses your efforts on the optimal set of projects and tasks worth pursuing.

Prioritize your options within the matrix for a clearer picture of the possibilities ahead of you.

These might include:

Quick wins (high impact, low effort):

These are your most attractive options as they provide the best returns for the least amount of effort. Focus on these projects as much as you can.

Major projects (high impact, high effort):

Major projects provide good returns, but they can take away resources from completing quick wins and are generally time-consuming and costly.

Fill ins (low impact, low effort):

These activities provide low return with low effort so they’re perfect to tackle with spare time but best dropped as soon as something more advantageous comes along.

Postpone/ignore (low impact, high effort):

Avoid these projects and activities as they’ll prevent you from tackling quick wins and major projects that will have a much higher impact.

Action priority matrix

Customize this approach or evaluate your options using multiple matrices.

Variations of the action priority matrix provide powerful lenses to enhance your decision making. Try evaluating projects by looking at significant variants, such as risk/reward, or strategic fit/feasibility as needed.

Defining the project charter and scope

Project charter mind map

The Project charter is an official document issued by project sponsors to formalize and authorize the project. Traditionally, the project charter is written and delivered as a long document that is time-consuming to write and review.

A significant drawback to this task is that project delivery may be impacted if important information is overlooked or lost within the details.

A project charter mind map is a powerful visualization tool representing the project and all of the relevant information covered in the charter.

It helps project managers structure the project details while making it easier for team members and stakeholders to analyze, comprehend, synthesize, recall, and generate ideas based on the specifics. Its power lies in the ability to showcase the bigger picture while detailing the fine points.

A typical project charter mind map may include:

  • Project overview: Identifies the project manager, team, authority, and resources.
  • Project objectives: Specifies what must be accomplished to successfully complete the project.
  • Project requirements: Summarizes the key requirements that must be satisfied.
  • Project milestones: Essential guideposts to ensure the project is on track.
  • Assumptions: Highlights any assumptions that exist during the early stage of the project that are important to note. If any assumptions are proven false during the project, they may increase the overall risk of a project.
  • Constraints: Often noted as time, budget/resources or quality constraints, and are used to guide the development of detailed schedules and plans that take these constraints into account.
  • Risks: Identifies risks that threaten project success upfront so that appropriate monitoring or mitigation plans are put into place should any risks turn into a reality.
  • Stakeholders: Specifies the project stakeholders, both internal and external, to ensure communication, buy-in and participation.
Project charter mind map

Mind maps can be extremely useful for creating project charters and plans for complex projects, making them easier to analyze and organize so that nothing is omitted, overlooked or lost. Mind maps ensure your valuable resources are aligned with the same understanding of key objectives and goals.

Charting resources

Organization (org) charts for your teams and stakeholders

Project organization (org) charts are visual diagrams that highlight not only team structure, but who is on the team, and the roles everyone plays. For project managers, organization charts illustrate how teams are distributed, making it easier to see potential problems that may need to be addressed.

Organization charts can also be used to identify both internal and external project stakeholders. Your project stakeholders are often the individuals or organizations that fund your project. For this reason, it is essential to understand who they are and how best to keep them informed of project progress and any potential issues.

Keeping stakeholders in the loop and on-boarding them with your project is critical to a project’s continued success (and funding).

Organization charts provide an invaluable service and can be leveraged to build effective communication plans to ensure teams and stakeholders are kept informed of project changes, status updates, and any other relevant communications.

Charting resources

Some benefits of the project and stakeholder organization chart include:

  • Building realistic project plans by explaining what resources are available to complete the scope of the project.
  • Improved communication plans that ensure teams and stakeholders have the information they need to make decisions, complete tasks, meet project milestones, and achieve project objectives.
  • Assist team members in their understanding of information workflows including whom to include in meetings and communication threads.
  • Accelerate project onboarding as new team members join the project, and document when others leave the project (or organization).

Capturing and prioritizing project requirements

Requirements map

Project requirements are often captured from a variety of sources, including client and stakeholder interviews, discussions, analysis, and existing documentation.

Project management often means diving into uncharted territory, handling potential changes to processes, and the implementation of new technologies. All of these must satisfy competing demands with differing priorities.

Requirement maps help document all conversations and research, which isn’t always linear. The requirements map makes it easy to record each tangent, so it never gets lost. As conversations jump around, you can capture the input on the appropriate node within the map or easily create a new branch.

This visual approach makes it easier to synthesize requirements from multiple sources, and ultimately prioritize all of the requirements.

It also simplifies the process of reviewing, refining, and arranging conflicting requirements with stakeholders to ensure the project meets its objectives. Requirements maps acknowledge that stakeholders have been heard and their input has been considered and prioritized based on the overall objectives, available resources, deadlines, and desired quality and outcomes.

Capturing and prioritizing project requirements

Requirements mapping lets you capture all of these requirements, desires and ideas into one cohesive and synergistic voice. Requirements mapping often generates new and unforeseen ideas, sparking successful outcomes beyond original expectations.

Building your schedule

Project plans and Gantt charts

A project plan is a key deliverable that defines and organizes a team’s project plan into a set of manageable tasks. An easy way to think about a plan is as a hierarchical outline or map that outlines the entirety of a project in detail.

It starts with the project as the top-level deliverable and is further arranged and categorized into sub-deliverables and fine-tuned until all the concrete tasks are identified and assigned to individuals.

Similarly, the cost breakdown structure (CBS) represents a breakdown of the costs of the various components of the plan, which helps you better understand and estimate the project budget. It can also assist with monitoring the actual expenses as the project advances beyond the planning stages.

Project plan

Gantt charts are one of the most popular and useful ways to visually show activities (tasks or events) displayed against time.

They allow you to view:

  • All the various tasks and their durations
  • When each task begins and ends
  • Where tasks overlap with each other and by how much
  • Dependencies between tasks
  • The start and end date of the entire project

To summarize, Gantt charts illustrate all the tasks to be accomplished and by whom with clearly defined deadlines and dependencies.

Gantt charts

When combined, these diagrams can be used to:

  • Fully define the scope of the project by identifying all of the required tasks and deliverables
  • Identify potential scope creep
  • Provide estimated costs for each deliverable
  • Monitor progress on deliverables, the schedule, and the budget
  • Fulfill the project’s purpose
  • Focus teams on their deliverables and keep them accountable for their assignments

Documenting the processes

Workflow diagrams

Workflows are the way people get work done, but sometimes they are not sufficient. Projects are inherently designed to improve business outcomes yet to accomplish this goal, changes to existing workflows (or entirely new ones) must be introduced.

These changes can be illustrated in workflow diagrams as a series of steps and decisions that need to be completed to accomplish the work. They’re a visual representation of the specific work activities and the people who are responsible for each item.

Workflow or process diagrams can either focus on how the organization currently works or they can highlight how the work will be accomplished after the project has been completed.

Documenting the processes

The benefits of documenting your processes with workflow diagrams include:

Increased clarity

Workflow diagrams allow teams to quickly understand processes and potentially highlight opportunities for improvement.

Enhanced communication

Workflow and process diagrams simplify and reduce time spent in meetings, clarify and focus requirements, help rapidly onboard new team members, and streamline training.

Increased efficiency

Identifying ways to reduce the steps to complete tasks can lead to large efficiency gains for organizations and minimize potential problems and risks due to unclear processes and workflows.

Proper documentation

Many industries must document their processes to comply with regulations. Supplying documented processes to key clients or prospects builds trust and illustrates maturity as an organization.

Problem solving

Process and workflow diagramming can also aid in problem solving by identifying any gaps or issues in the workflow.

How MindManager helps with visual project planning

Create project diagrams

In the intricate world of project management, the capability to depict information visually can be the difference between triumph and setback.

MindManager doesn't just allow you to create a variety of diagrams tailored for project managers; it goes a step further by offering different views of those diagrams. These views not only facilitate planning but also assist in identifying and managing risks, prioritizing tasks, and streamlining workflow.

From the initial brainstorm to the final delivery, MindManager serves as an all-encompassing tool, ensuring that projects are not just completed but excel.

  • Mind maps:

    Capture and organize ideas during brainstorming, develop project charters and scope, task identification, and develop project plans.

  • Organization charts:

    Understand reporting relationships and team structure.

  • Process and flowcharts, swim lane diagrams:

    Visualize workflows and processes.

  • Concept maps:

    Clarify complex ideas and relationships among project elements.

  • Timelines:

    Visualize project milestones and deadlines.

  • Venn and onion diagrams:

    Identify overlaps, synergies, or gaps between data.

  • Matrices:

    Prioritize and categorize content like tasks or risks based on defined criteria.

  • Kanban boards:

    Facilitate task tracking and workflow management.

  • Whiteboards:

    Use for spontaneous brainstorming and problem-solving sessions.

Visualize and manage project data

In today's complex project landscape, having a toolkit that merges the ability to capture detailed data on any topic with specialized project management functionalities is invaluable. Such tools pave the way for a holistic approach to project planning and management—be it identifying problems, brainstorming solutions, or tracking tasks.

With advanced data visualization features, including calculations, conditional formatting, and dynamic dashboarding, project managers are empowered to automate processes, ensuring that critical details are not just captured but are also easily accessible.

This enables a more potent and efficient management strategy, allowing professionals to prioritize and focus their attention on what matters most, ultimately driving successful project outcomes.

  • Data visualization: Access notes, links, and attachments; customize topic details; filter by elements like priority or risk.
  • Task management: Oversee task resources, dates, durations, and priorities; handle dependencies; and streamline task summaries and plans.
  • Project monitoring: Visualize with Gantt charts, pinpoint critical paths, monitor costs, track progress, and adjust schedules.
  • Convenience tools: Leverage text accelerators for quicker assignments; set alerts for upcoming milestones; apply consistent map parts; timestamp updates; and track custom data with SmartRule’s real-time automation.
  • Dynamic dashboards: Create interactive diagrams, consolidate views, automate calculations and conditional formatting, and manage multiple projects.

Collaborate, present, integrate, and share with teams and stakeholders

MindManager enhances teamwork with real-time interactions, content sharing, and collaboration across platforms. Experience elevated co-editing, content capture, and sharing, ensuring project alignment.

Presentations and integrations streamline project management processes, enhance team collaboration, and elevate the efficiency of project execution. The value is compounded as it ensures that project data is synchronized, up-to-date, and easily shareable across multiple platforms.

Publish, present, and share interactive diagrams online, import and export documents, and spreadsheets, and more.

  • Cross-platform co-editing: Collaborate in real-time or asynchronously on various platforms, controlling map element edits, and viewing cloud activity summaries.
  • Microsoft Project: Integrate with Microsoft Project for effortless planning and tracking. 
  • Microsoft Office integrations: Integrate with Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and dynamic visualizations of your window’s content via File Explorer. 
  • Microsoft SharePoint: Visualize and update SharePoint lists and tasks within MindManager.
  • Atlassian Jira Cloud and Data Center: Simplify Jira data presentation, managing tickets with integrated workflows, leveraging bilateral synchronization.
  • Zapier: Connect to 800+ web apps, including over 25 task management applications, ensuring diverse task ecosystems are interconnected. 
  • MindManager Snap: Capture and share ideas, notes, and reusable map parts. 
  • HTML5 Interactive Export: Share interactive web presentations.
  • Presentation Walkthrough: Present diagrams in special presentation mode.
  • MindManager Slides: Create flexible slideshows that evolve with your project.

Getting started: visual project planning

Challenges faced by project managers

Every project manager faces an intricate web of challenges. They're responsible for leading teams, meeting tight deadlines, managing budgets, ensuring stakeholder satisfaction, and navigating unpredictable changes.

Each project brings its unique set of complexities and managing them requires a skill set that's both broad and deep. Moreover, the sheer volume of information—ranging from task assignments to project timelines—can become overwhelming, often leading to miscommunication, oversight, and inefficiency.

Benefits of using diagrams in project management

Introducing visual diagrams into the project management process can be a transformative move. Diagrams, such as mind maps, flowcharts, and project plans offer clarity and structure, turning intricate data into easily digestible visuals. This not only aids understanding but also enhances communication among team members.

Visual tools can also boost brainstorming sessions, streamline resource allocation, and provide real-time adaptability to changing project conditions. Additionally, they can seamlessly integrate with methodologies like PMBoK and Prince2, ensuring alignment with best practices.

Start diagramming with MindManager

If you're new to the world of diagramming, and especially tools like MindManager, the possibilities are endless. The journey to integrating diagramming into your project management process is smoother than you might think.

Here’s a quick summary to help you get started:


Begin by exploring online tutorials tailored for beginners and project managers. MindManager offers guides, e-books, and webinars.

Experiment with diagrams:

Before introducing a new tool to your team, spend time understanding its features. Create a simple mind map or flowchart related to a current project. Familiarize yourself with the tool's interface and explore its various functionalities.

Collaborate and share:

Once comfortable, introduce your team to diagramming. Hold a training session, sharing the basics, and emphasize the benefits. Encourage your team to collaborate on shared diagrams, enhancing real-time teamwork.

Solicit feedback:

As with any new process, it's crucial to gather feedback. Understand your team's comfort level with the tool and address any challenges they face. This iterative feedback process will ensure smoother integration.

Stay updated:

MindManager is continuously evolving with new features and improvements. Regularly check for updates, subscribe to the blog, and participate in on-going webinars to learn best practices.

By integrating visual diagramming into your project management processes, you're not only streamlining workflows but also ensuring clearer communication, efficient planning, and improved team collaboration. Embrace the visual, and watch your projects thrive!


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